Matthew Carrigan of Santa Fe College in Florida theorized that the evolutionary adaptation occurred roughly ten million years ago, as this was when our common ancestor left the tree canopy and began eating fermented fruit on the forest floor. This fermented fruit could have had an ABV level as high as eight percent. The alcoholic fruit would have helped individuals become less self-conscious and more social. “Like all monkeys and apes, humans are social. We have an urgent desire to schmooze and an awareness that alcohol helps our cause,” says psychologist Robin Dunbar. “Friendships protect us against outside threats and internal stresses, and this has been key to our evolutionary success. Primate social groups, unlike most other animals, rely on bondedness to maintain social coherence.”First, good old Savannah Sabertooth. Adaptation, "evolution", mutation. Ratshit. Second, alcohol is NOT universal among humans. Orientals, and the old American tribes derived from Orientals, can't handle alcohol at all. Their traditions either prohibit it entirely or reserve it for carefully sacralized occasions. Third and more to the point, the SALIENT effect of alcohol is not schmoozing. It's random violence and poor judgment and early death. Those are NOT pro-survival tendencies. The idea that socializing requires prosthetic assistance is a viewpoint that makes sense from a baseline of Sorosian lands, where real culture has been ripped out by the roots. In functional cultures, closeness and comfort don't require prosthetics. Unsurprisingly functional cultures drink LESS than Sorosian dyscultures. Africa and Brazil are below average in alcohol, while Europe is on top. Is there a controlled experiment? Yes. Among 'imposed cultures' within dyscultural lands, the correlation is dramatic. Consider LDS and Islam, especially the Black Muslim movement.
Labels: Natural law = Sharia law, Shared Lie, Sorosia
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