Restoring chaos
Feels like time to reiterate a point I made last year as part of the
Morris vs Paine series.
Successful revolutions are ALWAYS sponsored by other nations. Other nations DO NOT WANT the revolution to produce a functional "democracy". Other nations want the target to dissolve in chaos.
We can see it easily with the revolutions we sponsor in Syria and Ukraine and Venezuela and Persia and a hundred other victims.
We don't see it easily with 1776, but the same rule holds true. France sponsored 1776 to weaken England. King Louie was NOT trying to "spread democracy" or even spread monarchy. He was trying to generate chaos.
The internal founders of 1776 were trying to create chaos for a different purpose. Their theories and constitutions were intended to weaken natural culture and keep NYC banks on top. Natural culture often prospered despite Deepstate's best efforts, requiring harsh responses like Lincoln's genocide or Wilson's tyranny or FBI/CIA agents provocateurs to restore chaos.
Labels: Deadthink, From rights to duties