According to a Reuters report about the meeting - which the White House confirmed did indeed happen, though it refused to comment on the details - the president is preparing to revive his push for a 13-year infrastructure spending spree, and whether to include details about the broad strokes during Trump's State of the Union address later this month. The plan is expected to focus on revitalizing US airports, highways, railroads and other essential infrastructure.Nastyass vileass filthyass fagass egregiousass ROY-COHN-ASS motherfucker. You had TWO FUCKING YEARS with BOTH HOUSES CONTROLLED BY YOUR REPOOFLICAN EUNUCH LIFE PARTNERS. During those TWO FUCKING YEARS you just SAT ON YOUR GERM-FREE NASTY FAKE ASS and did EXACTLY NO FUCKING THING. Now that you're perfectly safe from responsibility, now that you're effectively retired, you're free to make TOTALLY MEANINGLESS IDIOT FUCKING NOISE without the slightest chance of getting any fucking shit done. Here is the ONLY FACT that remains in our utterly fucked fake beyond fake beyond fake loony beyond loony beyond loony "location", which may at one time in the distant prehistoric past have posed as a "nation".
Labels: infinite infinite infinite infinite evil, infinite infinite infinite infinite infinite infinite infinite INFINITE INFINITE INFINITE INFINITE INFINITE INFINITE INFINITE lunacy
The current icon shows Polistra using a Personal Equation Machine.