Thursday, November 29, 2018
  Willys to the rescue again

The media hyperdemons are all screeching the same demonic sentences about Brazil's new foreign minister Araujo.

First: He's not "pro-Trump". Araujo happens to agree with some things that Trump randomly said in his scampaign. Trump himself does not agree with those random verbal emissions.

Second: "Climate change" is in fact a hoax perpetrated by cultural Marxists, colluding as usual with Deepstate. So Araujo isn't "asserting" or "claiming" this fact, he is ACCURATELY OBSERVING this fact.

Third: The usual doublethink. The usual fake surprise. The usual assumption that populists own time machines. The Brazilian jungle is ALREADY suffering from overdevelopment under the CURRENT globalist administration, which these articles OPENLY ADMIT, while simultaneously screeching that Bolsonaro will START to ruin the jungle.

= = = = =

The name Araujo reminded me of an earlier Araujo, and I was curious to see if they were related. Apparently not, but looking up the earlier Araujo led to a more important insight about Brazil. Roberto Araujo was hired by Willys around 1960, and headed the first design and styling department in Brazil's newly self-sufficient car industry. Willys started by re-using the tooling for its US sedans, then gradually evolved both the running gear and the styling to fit Brazilian roads and tastes.

From a scholarly article about the Willys design department.

Entre 1958 e 1959, a indústria automotiva brasileira viu um grande esforço no sentido de construir o carro produzido nacionalmente. Em 1958 há o lançamento do DKV-Vemag com um índice de nacionalização 95,6% da produção de seus componentes. Em 1959 ainda houve os lançamentos do sedan Volkswagen (Fusca), com nacionalização da produção de até 90,95%, o Dauphine, Renault fabricado pela Willys com nacionalização em 70,22%, e o Simca, com nacionalização de 67,65%.

A Willys já importava o Aero 1955 americano e em 25 de março de 1960 lança o Aero-Willys no Brasil que tinha 85,34%, de nacionalização em sua fabricação.

Nationalism has ALWAYS been important in Brazil. Note the PRECISE PERCENTAGES of local content for each manufacturer. The government obviously took great pains to MEASURE and ENFORCE local content, in order to maximize local SKILLS.

Note the pride in this passage:

Este veículo foi considerado o primeiro a ser “concebido e construído” no Brasil, o que envolveu grande sentimento de que podíamos fazer “o carro nacional”, sob o ponto de vista do projeto: “Foi em 1961 que a diretoria da Willys Overland tomou a decisão: O Aero Willys 1963 seria um carro inteiramente novo, com estilo próprio e linha inédita no catálogo internacional.”

= = = = =

In other words, Bolsonaro is not "pro-Trump". Bolsonaro is simply pro-Brazil, which is APPROPRIATE for the leader of Brazil. He's returning to a long line of coherent intellectual SELF-SUFFICIENT nationalism.

= = = = =

Semi-relevant sidenote about Brazilian intellectuals... The authors of the piece are listed at the top in English:

Marcia Barana
São Paulo State University

Marcos Da Costa Braga
São Paulo State University

Paula Landim
São Paulo State University

Two women and one man. Female intellectuals are a major part of South American tradition, contrary to USA demonic bigotry. Would any "fxmxlx" academic in USA write an article about cars, an article that supported nationalism and self-sufficiency? No need to ask the question.

Non-academic sidenote: Along with the luxury sedans, Willys do Brasil had some Jeep models that didn't get adopted by US until much later.

The Itamaraty sedan, evolved from the Aero, is in the middle. Several Renaults, also produced in the Willys plant. The beauty at front left is an Interlagos, known in Europe as Renault Alpine. At rear left, a four-door Jeep. We finally caught onto this variant just a few years ago.

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