No need for either concept
Obvious reverse causation!
Indian peafowl crests resonate efficiently and specifically to the same vibration frequencies used in peacock social displays,
We can stop right there. No need to invoke evolution or design. Just the dynamic feedback systems of nerves, as in gamma sensors. In oscillation mode the negative feedback sensors flip the motion when the PERCEIVED LOAD reaches a certain point. If the feathers are shorter or lighter, they will reach the intended momentum sooner, and the flipback will occur sooner. The flipping will quickly adjust itself to match the physical resonance of the feathers.
Easy proof: Wave your arm back and forth as fast as you can. Now pick up a heavy small object and wave again. You will wave slower.
Or watch the tail-wagging of a Labrador versus a French Bulldog with bobbed tail. Labrador wags at about 1 cycle per second, Frenchie at about 5 per second. Oscillation adjusts to match resonance, not vice versa.