This would be a good place for a liturgy
Old Okie joke. When you're highly unimpressed with the food and service in a restaurant, somebody is bound to say "Hey, I've got an idea! This would be a great location for a restaurant!"
It's closely related to the
dishwasher story, and also to
Injun naming practices. Things should be named by their function, not by arbitrary assignment.
This place doesn't serve the function of a restaurant, so it must be something else. Still, we need a restaurant around here, and somebody ought to start one.
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Apply the old joke to churches. Humans have a deep and innate need for
liturgy and religious ceremony. Every culture has priests who perform ceremonies.
The process is so deep that you can see priestly actions in the "random" motions generated by meth or Tourettes. Preaching, swinging a censer, swaying, holding up a communion cup, blessing.
Liturgy is part of the preset programming of the cerebellum.
So it's a damn shame that the liturgical churches have become cesspits of gross corruption. Of course it's nothing new; Rome has been maxed out on all scales of evil for 1000 years. The other liturgical churches aren't nearly as wicked, but they've still lost all connection and empathy with the people who NEED the liturgy. Instead they're violently serving Soros.
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Broader and sloppier thought: All
major organizations in Sorosia have ceased performing their functions. Many have reversed their functions. National government is supposed to protect the borders, not bring in invaders. Banks are supposed to charge interest on loans and pay interest on savings. Corporations are supposed to make things or provide services, not print counterfeit money. Doctors are supposed to heal disease, not create disease. Intel agencies are supposed to spy on foreigners, not create terrorists. Journalists are supposed to report facts, not create wars and crimes.
Smaller organizations (local business, local police) are still doing what they were meant to do, but the failure of function is spreading downward FAST.
Labels: Grand Blueprint, Sorosia