They are confined to windowless cells roughly the size of a king bed for 23 hours a day, with virtually no human contact except for brief interactions with prison guards. According to scientists speaking at the conference session, this type of social isolation and sensory deprivation can have traumatic effects on the brain, many of which may be irreversible. Neuroscientists, lawyers and activists such as King have teamed up with the goal of abolishing solitary confinement as cruel and unusual punishment.In other words, "scientists" serve Soros because the NGOs that provide grants serve Soros.
Prolonged social isolation — feeling lonely, not just being alone — can exact severe physical, emotional and cognitive consequences. It is associated with a 26 percent increased risk of premature death, largely stemming from an out of control stress response that results in higher cortisol levels, increased blood pressure and inflammation. Feeling socially isolated also increases the risk of suicide. “We see solitary confinement as nothing less than a death penalty by social deprivation,” said Stephanie Cacioppo, an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience at the University of Chicago, who was on the panel with King.Causation failure. Outside the walls, unwilling isolation results from low status. Low status causes stress whether you're alone or not. No way to separate out real-life isolation from its default cause.
King has experienced lasting cognitive changes from his time in solitary confinement. His memory is impaired and he has lost his ability to navigate, both of which are signs of damage to the hippocampus. At one point he was unable to recognize faces, but that problem has passed. Cacioppo speculated that social areas of his brain that were not being used, like those involved in facial recognition, might have atrophied during his time in solitary.Speculation is not science. You don't know King's initial condition and you can't do a controlled experiment, so you have NO FUCKING IDEA whether his currently claimed condition is (1) his normal condition, (2) caused by drugs and alcohol, (3) caused by aging, (4) caused by a degenerative disease, (5) caused by isolation, or (6) just plain faking. Sounds like (6) faking to me.
King said he survived the ordeal because he recognized that his case was “politicized,” and bigger than himself. He and many supporters believe the Angola Three were targeted and falsely convicted because they were members of the Black Panther party.The Black Panthers were a GANG with a political facade. They were not dissidents. They committed lots of ordinary crimes just like any other GANG. Here's the plain reality: Inside the walls there aren't many sticks and carrots available to control behavior. Some people are INCURABLY BAD. Solitary is an INDISPENSABLE tool because it REMOVES the incurables from the rest of the population. Solitary allows the trainable inmates to SURVIVE so they have a chance to be trained. The ACLU and other Sorosians, like these "scientists", have been eliminating the more subtle sticks and carrots for 60 years. Most of the tools are already gone, and now Soros is trying hard to eliminate the
Labels: Make or break, Metrology, Sorosia
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