It has been argued many times over the course of decades and across diverse paradigms that science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education practices-as-usual (re)produce systems of dominance: be it patriarchy, heteronormativity, white supremacy, Eurocentrism, (neo-)colonialism, able-ism, classism, labor inequity, anthropocentrism, and/or others. Thankfully, there are many who are doing the critical and creative work of (re)opening STEM education to the possibility of eco-social justice to-come through a plurality of productive approaches, orientations, and stances: anti-oppressive, anti-racist and critical race-based, decolonizing and de/colonizing, queer, Indigenous, gender-equitable, post-colonial, community-based and participatory, critical place-based, inter-species, and many more.The good part: This shit is unreadable. The above paragraph contains two sentences. Each sentence is nothing more than a LIST of fashionable jargon, tangled in hopelessly bad syntax. It doesn't say anything, so it can't influence real teachers DIRECTLY. The bad part: If someone manages to find the point of this shit and translate it into English, it will do MASSIVE LETHAL HARM to EXACTLY THE PEOPLE IT CLAIMS TO HELP. = = = = = We do have a real problem in USA education, a problem that has gone on for 100 years with no improvement. As I tiresomely fucking repeat every fucking day, our math and science teaching is solely designed to select and motivate maximally autistic and maximally abstract PhDs in maximally autistic and utterly useless and bizarrely delusional "math" and "science". The solution is clear and perfectly well-known. Does this shit article get anywhere near the known solution? = = = = = Later in the shit article, one section appears to be getting close....
Nikki Rotas’ contribution “puts to work” (Lather 2007) Baradian notions of diffraction in her work with children (ages 10–12) in an afterschool robotics club. Rotas’ goal is to engender an understanding of design that can resist or escape rigid disciplinary pathways of both experience and design through cyborg embodiments of vision with wearable technologies. Can learning lead to and from alternate ontological and epistemologies that emerge from engagement with multiple assemblages and apparatuses?Well, I'll bet those kids appreciated Baradian notions of diffraction and alternate ontological and epistemologies. If nothing else, they UNlearned(pre) how of writ(noth)ing Englishes the sentenced and. Looking through the references and links, I found a vast universe of the same brain-dissolving toxin, wasting vast piles of university money. Every penny of school budget, and every second of teacher attention, wasted on this SHIT is money and time that COULD have gone to real teaching that would really serve black and poor kids. Yet again USA education is RUINING its own kids by taking the MOST DESTRUCTIVE PATH IMAGINABLE, when the CORRECT path has always been available. And that's the WORST part. Schools should be focusing STRICTLY on experience-based and job-like training for the vast majority of students who are NOT going to be autistic PhDs. The small silver lining: Many good teachers are TRYING to focus on job-like training. They are visible and HELPABLE through = = = = = Slightly calmer afterthought: I suppose this is just the latest and greatest Edufad. Ed administrators and planners have always been pushed and pulled by immeasurably stupid Edufads, always expressed in incomprehensible jargon. Edufads ALWAYS pretend to "solve" a problem by making it worse, so the admins can demand more budget next year to "solve" the worse problem, ad infinitum. Parkinson.
Labels: Experiential education, Pluponents
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