Where have all the Angletons gone?
I'd been wondering why CIA and NSA have lost their competence in recent years. The Reality Winner thing illustrates the problem. Reality Winner was hired as an Intelligence Analyst, and was paid for watching MSNBC until Reality Winner made the mistake of revealing that Reality Winner was paid for watching MSNBC. At that point CIA prosecuted Reality Winner. The mob always punishes snitches, not hitmen.
Clearly this is the norm now. In previous decades Intelligence Analysts were seriously smart and strategically shrewd. They found obscure foreign sources, translated them and tried to understand them in proper context. They were able to get into the mindset of a foreigner and predict his actions. Now CIA can't understand anything except FUCK TRUMP FUCK TRUMP FUCK TRUMP FUCK TRUMP.
Why can't they hire smart people?
Now we know.
Via Wolfstreet:
There is another astounding number in the earnings report: “Headcount” at the end of June was 30,275 – “an increase of 47% year-over-year,” it said. Let that sink in for a moment.
Facebook is a hiring-machine – and throws large amounts of money at this issue. In April, it disclosed that the median income of its employees in 2017 was $240,430.
The COMPETENT spies and SERIOUSLY PSYCHOPATHIC tyrants are working for CIA's subcontractors Facebook and Google. Much higher pay, much better status than working directly for CIA.