Thanks, Ralph 467
ZH, Bloomberg and others are citing a Pew Poll showing that most people in most countries trust Putin more than Trump.
Emersonian checkmate.
Deepstate's unprecedented blood-frenzy against the manufactured image of RUSSIANPUPPET TRUMPHITLER has led people to trust the actual Russia.
Meanwhile, the actual** Trump is continuing to serve Deepstate loyally, just as BushClintonBushObama served Deepstate.
Following Polistra's Law of Inferred Intent, I have to ask: Since this is what HAPPENED, was this Deepstate's real PURPOSE?
It's hard to see why they would want this. Putin is unquestionably a true opponent of Deepstate and Soros, building a firm alliance of sanity and humanity that BLOCKS the totalitarian omnicidal goals of USA STRONG's empire. No mystery or false flag there. Ever since Putin came to power, Deepstate has been making ACTUAL war against Russia.
= = = = =
**Footnote for clarity: It's obvious by now that the actual Donald J. Trump isn't continuing to do anything. "Continue" is beyond his abilities. He is randomly flopping around like a
crackhead on the 7th month of a sleepless high, emitting incoherent ANGRY noises. What I meant was that the actual bureaucracy of the executive branch, with zero guidance or DISCIPLINE or FIRINGS or JAILINGS from the top, is continuing to obliterate the universe.
= = = = =
Later: Okay. This result is clearly not what Deepstate wanted. With JebHillary in charge, the obliterator machine would run smooth and clean, turning all media and public energy toward eliminating the world (except for Israel and Saudi). Deplorables would still overdose and jump from bridges, but maybe a tiny bit slower because their hopes hadn't been raised and dashed.
Ask the Inferred Intent question from the other angle. Is the current mess what Putin wanted? Yes, but it's not what he planned. Russia halfheartedly wanted Bernie. Above all Russia DIDN'T want Jeb or Hillary.
Did Putin manipulate the election? No. He didn't have to. When he saw what was happening, he simply stood back, offered a few hints that helped to ignite the media firestorm, and watched.
Russia has ALWAYS preferred the non-interventionist approach. When your enemy wants to give you half of Europe, don't demur, just say Spasibo. When your enemy is committing suicide, STAND BACK AND LET HIM DO IT. This approach only works when you UNDERSTAND your enemy well enough to PREDICT what he will do. In other words, EMPATHY. We have never tried to understand or empathize with our enemies or friends. We just blindly assume that everyone else thinks the same way we do. We're delusional and brainless, so everyone is delusional and brainless.
USA STRONG in turmoil is always better for the rest of the world. USA STRONG running smooth and clean is LETHAL for the rest of the world.
Nobody helped us get into this condition. We got here all by our evil selves. If there's any way out, we need to do it by ourselves.
The steps are clear. Erdogan's recipe. First step: KILL SOROS AND ALL HIS TENTACLES. Second step: Clamp down hard on banks and monopolies. Eliminate stock market and execute participants. Third step: Eliminate the Federal "court" system from top to bottom, and all Federal trap-making agencies. Execute participants.
Who will take those steps? Nobody. In most countries this would be the ideal time for a military coup to clean things up, but we're even sunk in that department. Our milifairy is working for Soros.
Labels: Emersonian justice, se-lu