Spokilicon valley?
Following on
this entry about Spokane's sudden jump in real estate prices. Back in May I noticed several LONG-RUNNING flips that finally got sold, and a general 50% increase in asking prices.
Now that I think about rent, I can see DEFINITE signs that rents are pricing many people out of a residence. In the last few months, coinciding with the jump, I'm seeing more and more RVs parked permanently and hooked up to utilities. A new one each week. These are clearly not squatters; they're hooked up with permission of the residents. Also, one fairly large house has become a boarding house, with five cars pulled up on the sidewalk like a strip-mall parking lot. All the cars are recent, and they all leave for work each day. The original resident is fairly young, so I'm guessing he's doing the college-town routine of splitting up the mortgage. It's familiar in college towns but it didn't happen in this neighborhood until now.
Labels: Heimatkunde