Constants and variables, life and death edition
Okay, let's compare USA STRONG, where Soros controls everything, versus
Kenya, which has kicked Soros NGOs out of its borders.
USA STRONG is currently experiencing mass suicide by non-Sorosians, and a successful project of mass assassination by Sorosians.
Two [clap] two [clap] two genocides in one! Much more energy-efficient than the old one-sided method.
Kenya's biggest political story: One party is annoyed because the other party favors one printing company for printing ballots.
Yes indeed, aren't we lucky to be living in a First World Democracy with Peace and Freedom and Justice abounding for all? Boy howdy, I'm surely glad I don't live in a Third World Dictatorship with constant coups and assassinations.
Labels: #DeplorableLivesMatter, Constants and Variables, Make or break