Negative juncture
Best proof that the 'overculture' is entirely removed from reality: They're still bashing the holographic image of KKK POPULIST TROLL NAZI HITLER TRUMP after the actual body of Trump has been completely sucked out and replaced with Hillary.
Hillary is still complaining that she lost after she won. Total control and total victory is NEVER ENOUGH for the Insatiables.
She "takes responsibility" for the loss while simultaneously blaming it on everyone else. She especially blames the loss on
The two words are united. You can hear that she WANTS to unite them even more. Zero juncture isn't enough; some kind of negative juncture is needed.
The Insatiables have been doing zero juncture with RUSSIANAGGRESSION for a couple years. Now they're extending it to RUSSIANWIKILEAKS.
What they really want is a complete merging of the words. This is possible in print:
and a similar trick is possible in
music as well....
but I don't think there's a practical way to do it in speech. Simple mixing doesn't get there; you hear the two words separately but you don't automatically mix their meanings. Ideally the Insatiables want something like
semantic coarticulation, so that RUSSIAN appears as the formants and WIKILEAKS appears as the fundamental.
Labels: #DeplorableLivesMatter, Language update