Metrology day 2
More thoughts on BASELINES.
In electrical terms the purpose of all
cultural tyrants from Robespierre to Lincoln to Lenin to Hitler to Soros is simple.
Cut the ground wire. Remove the baseline.
A culture that has an earth ground, a firm zero-point reference, can't be yanked around in every possible direction to satisfy the blood-fetish of Maximum Leader. Human actions and cultural components have strict limits on gradients. When people and cultures are grounded, the parallel impedance of mass elements absorbs small delusions easily and refuses to be pulled up beyond natural limits.
Tyrants succeeded in cutting the ground wire for EU/US/UK. Now these areas can be charged up to infinite gradients by all sorts of bizarre unnatural voltage patterns.
In the modern world Russia and Africa have remained grounded. Their cultures have a double-ought copper bus bar to God, a permanent lock to the zero-point of Natural Law.
When ungrounded cultures get charged up to fantastically high voltages, they always gain the delusion that they can grab Russia or Africa and pull them up to "civilized" standards. The grab always fails and the result is a shocking discharge.
= = = = =
Illustrating the point.
First, we have our familiar
Sorosian characters. Humanoid entities of variable gender, equipped with trapezoidal glasses and trapezoidal mouths. They live in Laputa, the cloudland of projectors. Of course Swift's neanderthal gender-binary name is unsuitable, so it is Lxputx now.
Let's put them into motion and place a voltmeter to ground.
As is typical of SorOS, their action is perfect chaOS, and their charge is equally random.
= = = = =
On the opposite side of the world we have a pair of RUSSIANAGGRESSIONS who are doing what RUSSIANAGGRESSIONS always do. AGGRESSING! MEDDLING! INTERFERING! HACKING! ATTACKING the poor defenseless Lxputxns MERCILESSLY!
Well, not really. They're just doing what Russians like to do, so their action needs no animation and their GROUNDED culture needs no measurement. Zero volts gradient from God.
= = = = =
Now we see what happens when Lxputx gets one of its random impulses to extend the
Gentle Wand Of Democracy And Civilization toward the benighted RUSSIANAGGRESSIONS; accompanied, of course, by millions of troops, bombs, rifles, tanks, etc, seasoned to taste.
Nuff said.
= = = = =
Closely related followup
Labels: Metrology, Natural law = Sharia law, Гром победы