Anti-Parkinson Party
A week ago I proposed a silly
Legalize Information Party. (Well, not so silly, but any thought of any sort of sanity in US/UK/EU politics is silly.)
Here's another silly idea. A loop-breaker or Anti-Parkinson Party. APP.
This movement would attempt to break DEADLY positive feedback Parkinson loops and switch to LIFE-GIVING negative feedback loops.
Sorosian governments currently function as follows:
1. Create a problem from nothing. Either define an ordinary harmless situation as a problem (eg "toxic" water or educational "achievement gaps" or some innocent foreign country that "needs more democracy") or generate the problem by careful cultivation (eg "terrorism" or "hate crimes" or "drug crimes").
2. Urgently request more funds to "solve" the problem you made. Since the defined problems are part of nature, your efforts will never "solve" them. And since the created problems are the result of your efforts, your efforts will make them worse because that's your job. In both cases funding increases exponentially, and thus evil increases exponentially, and thus funding etc.
= = = = =
The Loop Breakers or Anti-Parkinsons would simply REVERSE THE BUDGETING PROCESS. Instead of increasing budgets when problems increase, Loop Breakers would do the old Chinese Doctor routine, aka negative feedback, aka LIFE. Pay agencies MORE when the problem is small. Pay LESS when the problem is large. This will motivate the government to solve REAL problems, and to stop generating delusional "problems".