Stupidest religious wars
What we have now in Sorosia is the STUPIDEST set of religious wars in history.
Old-fashioned religious wars were stupid, but at least they were fought CONSISTENTLY over beliefs that the warring sides ACTUALLY HELD AND CHERISHED. One side said transubstantiate, the other said consubstantiate. One side said filioque, the other said filiĆ³que or whatever it was. Let's fight for 300 years! Fun time.
Those were TINY differences, as per Freud's rule .... but they were ACCURATELY PERCEIVED differences in REAL beliefs. Our current religious war is fought over DELUSIONAL IMAGES of the other side's belief, and each side is explicitly fighting AGAINST its own delusion.
We have a continuous riot in Berkeley over a NON-EXISTENT appearance by Ann Coulter, who DOESN'T STAND FOR ANYTHING. Ann is a self-promoter who prospers because she's tall and pretty and blonde. She has no beliefs except greed. The two sides are fighting because Ann was going to speak but now isn't going to speak. One side thinks she should have appeared, even though she chose not to appear; the other side thinks she should not have appeared, even though she agreed with them by not appearing.
We have continuous riots everywhere over the holographic image of a "Trump" who supposedly hated war and hated LGBTQQ2ABCDEF and hated corporations. The actual Trump fraudulently said one or two mildly negative things about war and corporations but NEVER said anything at all against LGBTQQ2ABCDEF. Now that "Trump" has turned off the hologram generator to reveal Hillary, there's NOTHING LEFT TO FIGHT ABOUT. But the anti-war anti-corporate Left is still rioting against the anti-war anti-corporate "Trump", while the pro-war pro-corporate Right is still stoutly defending the anti-war anti-corporate "Trump".
Christ Alfuckingmighty. If you're going to fight about falsely perceived non-existent delusions, at least you could defend the falsely perceived non-existent delusion that AGREES with your own supposed side.
Beyond beyond beyond beyond beyond beyond bonkers.