What would Bryan do?
The essence of Sorosian government is a two-step process:
1. Locate a
"problem" that cannot be solved because it's an inherent fact of nature; or create a
"problem" from scratch in such a way that it's logically and physically unsolvable.
2. Eternally pretend to "solve" the physically unsolvable "problem", using techniques that infinitely expand government power and budget. Since the "problem" will never be solved, infinite increase is GUARANTEED.
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What happens when a politician breaks out of the process?
Headline in this morning's newspapers:
Beware of the politician with simple answers. Trump still divides, and there's still a lot at stake.
Don't let the plumber replace your faucet. Don't fix a flat tire. Don't let the doctor give you a vaccine. Don't let the city use
on the streets. Don't let the school DIVIDE kids according to their talents and vocations. Don't let policemen DIVIDE criminals from non-criminals by arresting criminals. Don't execute the worst criminals. Don't let the government build walls or tariffs or anti-missile systems to DIVIDE us from military or economic invaders. Don't let parents DIVIDE people by providing comfort and discipline to their own kids.
Everyone must be TOTALLY VULNERABLE, all real problems must get WORSE, all normal situations must be turned into unsolvable "problems".
This is Soros.
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We still can't predict that Trump will do what he says, but his inauguration speech is a clarion call to BREAK the Sorosian two-step. No compromise, no "reverting to mean".
What would Bryan do?
I went back and read some Jennings Bryan and some Graybill. Trump's diagnosis is the same because our conditions are the same as 1890. Trump's prescription is entirely different because the correct solution has been determined EXPERIMENTALLY.
Bryan and Graybill were prescribing changes in the monetary system, which must have seemed like a solution at the time. They were wrong. Paper and silver and gold are all equally good, and none of them help to cure globalism. The cure for globalism is to DIVIDE the nation from all the evils of globalism.
FDR had the right cure even though he didn't talk like Bryan. Banks are the core vector of globalism. You have to decrease their power and increase the power of REAL VALUE PRODUCTIVE BUSINESS. You have to MAKE PEOPLE USEFUL again, which means eliminating the type of business that makes people useless. You have to can salmon with workers instead of ledgers.
Now that the correct cure has been EXPERIMENTALLY PROVEN, Trump is proposing to use it. Yes, it does require DIVIDING because solving always requires DIVIDING.
Labels: Make or break, skill-estate