Jesus, what a fucking idiot.
Trump had things going the right way for a few minutes. Hillary was running a recount, and even Obama agreed that the recount was a bad idea. EVEN NATE SILVER agreed that the recount was a bad idea, a FALSE idea, not going to change anything. EVEN NATE SILVER agreed that hacking wasn't meaningful. When a Nate Silver opposes the Empire, you know for FUCKING SURE that the Empire has gone too far. The Empire's media were delicately touching the subject for the first time, encouraged by the Tribeforce of Nate Silver.
All Trump had to do was
Nope, that's impossible. He had to jump in with his own false idea, giving Satan's media a perfect reason to pivot away from Satan's false idea. Millions of illegals voting? Maybe thousands, all in California where they wouldn't make a difference anyway. Only California is crazy enough to let it happen in a major way. Not in the states that are being questioned right now. There AREN'T millions of illegals in those states, and those states aren't totally looned out.
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Idiot or AP? Probably the latter. Just another servant of the Empress.
= = = = =
More seriously and deeply, this consistent idiocy shows that Trump doesn't know the country he's supposed to be ruling. I supported him for a while because he seemed to understand the problems of the Deplorables, while all previous Repooflicans had simply shouted ZERO TAX ZERO TAX ZERO TAX BENGHAZI BENGHAZI BENGHAZI.
Anyone who OBSERVES REALITY knows that hacking is meaningless, and also knows that voting by illegals is meaningless. Trump is just saying stuff that sounds like Repoof stuff to him. The result is transparently idiotic, just like my attempts to
talk about fishing and hunting. At least I know when I'm being idiotic.