Another quake swarm? /// No.
Just for the record... Yesterday I heard three separate unusual noises. One at 1AM, sounding like the front screen door got bumped. Then around 2PM another unidentifiable thump; sounded like a mousetrap, but none of the traps had been triggered. Around 4PM a more earthly thump, identical in sound and feel to the thumps in the 2001 quake swarm.
Each of these would be meaningless alone, but three in a day might warrant attention. Also, one of the commenters at the Spokane-News page
heard the 4PM thump. The answers to his post may not be relevant, because they're pointing to a
fire that started an hour later.
Pac NW Seismic doesn't show anything, so this is meaningless. During the 2001 swarm, thumps of the same size as the 4PM thump showed on their list. If it's not on their list, it's not seismic.