What about the last layer?
Reading the predictable response of the globalist media to Hungary's referendum on migrants. They state AS FACT that defending your own country is SHAMEFUL and a VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. They state AS FACT that a leader who respects the will of his own people is AUTHORITARIAN KKK HITLER TROLL, while a leader who rapes her own people into abject submission is DEMOCRATIC.
Globalists are perfectly consistent at all levels. Defending your country from globalist tyranny is bad, defending your province or city from migrants is bad, defending your land and livestock from wolves and grizzlies is bad, defending your job from outsourcing is bad, defending your savings from confiscation is bad, defending your culture from
Soros-controlled weaponized humans is bad, defending your house and family from burglars is bad.
All of the seemingly unrelated 'movements' work together to smash natural boundaries at all levels. No divisions, no walls, no houses, no families, no humans. Only the SUPREME WILL AND MIND OF SOROS shall exist.
New thought: WAIT! Haven't they missed something? What about the internal defenses of cells and organs from viruses and bacteria? Are they forgetting the last level of self-defense?
Nope. This layer isn't nearly as violent as the other layers, but it's just as efficient. Modern medicine works hard to REPLACE natural defenses by artificial defenses that can be
TAKEN AWAY if you fail to obey. Blood pressure pills
held hostage. Opioid prescriptions to addict you. Antibiotics to disrupt your gut balance. Constant barrage of propaganda and "news" designed to depress and disarm the emotional side of your immune system.
It's the same pattern as gun control. You can't own your natural means of defense; you can't buy the artificial versions on the open market; you must rely on the authorities to DECIDE when you're worth defending.
Labels: defensible spaces