Perfect illustration
Conspiracy theories and facts have traded places.
Definitions for clarity:
A conspiracy theory may be essentially true, but it always brings in complicated "secret meetings" and external forces that are NOT VISIBLY INVOLVED OR LINKED.
A fact is true, and it assumes only the VISIBLY OBSERVED forces. The pattern is usually quite simple.
Nice illustration in this headline:
Hillary: Putin, WikiLeaks, Trump Plot to Hack Vote
This is a conspiracy theory by definition.
Is the presidential election rigged? Of course. But Putin and WikiLeaks and Trump are external forces that aren't needed to explain the fact.
Simple fact: the election doesn't need to be rigged via "voter fraud" or "hacking" because it's already rigged at a more basic level. Rigged from both ends.
One end is the Electoral College,
specifically designed to place the final choice in the hands of a few people in one room. A few dozen people gathered together can be influenced easily, while millions of separate voters are INFINITELY harder to influence.
The other end is the two parties. Normally both parties choose candidates who agree on all important issues. It doesn't matter which one "wins" because the result serves DeepState either way.
This year we have an unusual situation that does require external explanation, and I still don't see the explanation. Jeb was the expected identical candidate. Jeb was probably going to "win" because of the automatic 8-year rule, but it didn't matter. DeepState would fully control Jeb/Hillary.
Trump broke the expectation, eliminating the Coke/Pepsi situation and insuring that Hillary would be a STRONG winner with a
So the question that really needs an external explanation, perhaps getting into conspiracy territory, is why DeepState decided not to trust Jeb. He looked like Pepsi from the outside, but he must have seemed untrustworthy to DeepState.
Of course this doesn't matter either, because the people who might be able to ask and answer this question ... or any question ... will soon be slaughtered.
Labels: #DeplorableLivesMatter, STRONG!