Minor point
Minor point, but I haven't heard it said.....
It's highly unlikely that Russia, or ANY remote nation, could have done the DNC hack. DNC, like all major organizations, buys its web and cloud services from one of the giant providers. These giant providers are thoroughly protected from hacking through the net. A mass-quantity hack containing a
specific segment of dates nearly always comes from an insider with physical access to the servers. A disgruntled 'whistleblower'.
We can also be sure that lots of hackers are TRYING to penetrate the Trump organization. 100% of hackers in the US are leftists. (And there's a big
bounty available!)
Why haven't they succeeded?
Unavoidable answer: Trump's organization has better data security. It must be doing a better job of selecting and paying its IT guys, and a better job of monitoring the external cloud services.
Totally aside from all matters of ideology and policy, which is the better leader in today's world? The leader who can't control internal leaks, or the one who can?
= = = = =
Related: There's no obvious Russian advantage in hacking DNC, because Obama (after firing Hillary in 2012) is behaving rationally toward Russia. Kerry has been cooperating with Russia to unravel Hillary's genocides. Russian interest in stopping Hillary is clear, and in fact HUMANITY'S interest in stopping Hillary is clear. No candidate in recent memory has such a wildly murderous and omnicidal record. She starts new wars every week. But the DNC hacks were not specifically about Hillary.
In contrast, the new hacking of international athletic corruption clearly and directly serves Russia's interests. It makes sense to assume Russian involvement.
This leak also shows yet another way that "privacy" laws
create crime. American athletes have been using a GOVERNMENT-AUTHORIZED medical trick to take drugs "legally", which was covered up by "privacy" laws because it was "medical". Our criticism of Russia's GOVERNMENT-AUTHORIZED doping is thus totally cynical. There's no difference. All organized sports are pure criminal syndicates. All organized sports should be abolished.