Insult to injury
Spokane's CopKiller Council has literally added insult to injury. After spending a year smashing the city to bits, they insult us by
renaming Columbus Day to Firstses Nationses Indigenouseses Peopleseses Dayseseses.
This is a meaningless gesture. Columbus Day hasn't been recognized or used as a holiday for quite a while. Old Chris
didn't really discover anything, so he doesn't deserve a day. If you just
leave it alone, the day will gradually fade into oblivion. These gang-serving
Dinocampus coccinellae can't leave anything alone.
Insulting symbolic gestures would be OK if the council had been performing normal political work, keeping things running and minding their own business. But they haven't. Absolutely everything they do is AGGRESSIVELY EVIL. No other word for it. Holding the police department captive while previously secure neighborhoods succumb to crime.
This is not how politicians behave when they expect to face an election. Politicians who understand that they are elected will do some corrupt or evil things to satisfy their paying masters, but they will try to mollify the actual voters with symbols that please the voters. These alien monsterblobs don't bother with any of it. Pure evil in action, pure evil in words and symbols.
Do these virulent pestiferous pathogens know something? Have they already eliminated elections?