“To Catholic faithful who are confused about the Doctrine of the Faith concerning marriage, I simply say: ‘Read and meditate upon the Catechism of Catholic Church nn.1601-1666,’” Caffarra said. “And when you hear some talk about marriage — even if done by priests, bishops, cardinals — and you then verify that it is not in conformity with the Catechism, do not listen to them. They are the blind leading the blind.”Sounds like a rerun of the Reformation. Caffarra is the Protestant, attempting to restore the UNCHANGING authority of written law. Antichrist is Rome, trying to keep the written authority secret so heshe can give any damn order heshe wants. This is why we have written records. Writing was developed when merchants needed to keep records of debts and transactions to avoid disputes. It still serves the same purpose. When laws or decisions are written CLEARLY AND PRECISELY, everyone can refer to the same source. Disputes can be settled reliably. When laws or decisions are kept secret, there is no way to question what the dictator says. Obama carries on the BushClinton tyranny in most ways, but he has added a new element in parallel with Antichrist. Obama's laws are unwritten. His implementation of Romneycare was famously unreadable even by the legislators who were expected to pass it. His trade treaties are classified secrets. This takes my previous observations about book-learning vs reality-learning to a third level, completing the How What Who pattern that I discussed a long time ago. How = skills based directly on reality. Can't be faked. What = written laws and records. Can be faked, but unless the faker destroys all copies of the original, the fakery can be detected. Who = no written records. Authority depends purely on personal loyalty and raw force.
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