Parallel failed fixes
Noticed a little parallel. In both US and UK, all "parties" have been conspiring and colluding for many decades to slaughter the poor and enrich the Tribe. In both countries the nominally Leftist "party" is farthest from its nominal purpose. Labour began as a party for labouring men. Democrats didn't begin that way but made their bones in the 1930s when FDR actually solved problems and actually helped the poor.
In theory you'd expect the traditionally pro-worker party to be the first one to break the fix, the first to realize that it had completely ruined its original mission. The rubber band that stretches the most will break first.
No. In both countries it was the traditionally anti-worker party that broke the fix this year.
In UK the break was accidental and stupid. Cameron was so overconfident, so totally delusional, that he knew Brexit would fail, knew he would get a strong mandate to surrender even more power to the Fourth Reich.
I still haven't figured out the US equivalent. Both "parties" had been perfectly rigged for 40 years, always picking a criminal acceptable to the Tribe. In some elections there were two or three equally acceptable criminals, so the fix didn't require much work.
Not this time. Trump and Sanders were absolute heretics, absolutely unacceptable.
In D the fix proceeded smoothly. When Sanders got more votes, the totals were revised. When a caucus came out too close, loaded dice fixed the problem. And the superdelegates finished the job.
In R the fix failed. Overconfidence and wild bizarre delusion, just like UK, but here the exact mechanism of the failed fix is still unclear. Why did the party allow Trump votes to be counted?