Constants and no variables 1
A little insight into the "mind" of demons.
BBCdemon is interviewing a think-tank economistdemon about the need for Proper Politicians (ie Hillary) to fake a pro-American policy so they can steal votes in places like Pennsylvania. The two demons were quite open about the fakeness, because "Globalization is not an option. Of course the UK chose a different path heh heh heh heh snort snort snort." Since G'n is not an option, we CAN'T possibly change trade policy or immigration policy, just as we can't change gravity. We'll have to produce better propaganda and maybe give these deluded TROLLS a few extra pennies in welfare.
Amazing. In one sentence:
G'n is not an option of course G'n is an option. This isn't exactly Orwell's doublethink. The demons are not holding both sides open at the same time. Rather,
Is An Option is spoken but doesn't exist. How does this happen?
The broader phenomenon is a TOTAL LACK OF VARIABLES. The whole world is a constant, conforming perfectly to the
Right Side Of History.
If you are OldThinker, observing plain old factual history, you can easily see that G'n is not gravity. It's a
POLICY CHOICE made by evil corporatist governments. The current phase of G'n was DECIDED fairly recently, after the 1990 Switchover. Since it is a policy CHOICE that is killing massive numbers of normal people, a sane government would DECIDE to reverse the policy CHOICE, as Britain is now trying to do. (Or maybe just faking, as these demons imply.)
We do not have a sane government. Our sadistic psychotic government kills massive numbers of normal people and loves it.
Labels: Constants and Variables, switchover