Trump blew it
Well, now there's no particular reason to prefer Trump over Sanders, not that it matters anyway.
He finally showed a major failure of
First he answered a question about abortion with a logical but stupid answer. If abortion becomes illegal, there should be punishment for the woman as well as the abortionist. Before Roe v Wade, many states had such a rule, at least on paper, and it is perfectly logical. If X is a crime, people who do X should be punished.
Second and most important, he
backed off when pushed. Now he's saying that abortion laws SHOULDN'T be changed.
Stupid first answer, fatal second answer. The BACKOFF destroys him. Until now he refused to surrender in the face of Satan. Now Satan knows that Trump can be pushed, so the battle is OVER. When you yield one picometer to Satan, you're gone.
Simple logic is the wrong approach to the first question.
A leader needs to know what his MAIN purpose is. He should pick his fights carefully to avoid losing his MAIN battle. Trump's main purpose is: Bring back walls and tariffs. Control trade and immigration.
Everyone knows Trump isn't pro-life. He shouldn't try to pretend. We're tired of Establishment Repoofs who pretend to be pro-life and then serve Satan just as loyally than the honest Commies.
The smart answer to any abortion question would be something like this:
I won't have enough time to handle that. I'm trying to restore the middle class. States are already moving in the correct direction with restrictive laws, and I'll try to keep the Federal government from interfering.
Trump wasn't smart enough to prepare that answer.
No reason to prefer him over Sanders, who is equally bad on abortion but more serious about slashing the financiers.