Bravo Bill
Bill stands down the #blacklivesmatter idiots. Commentators on both "sides" are missing the point. Repoofs are cheering because this seems to mess up Hillary's appeal to blacks, and Commies are booing because they want chaos.
Bill is actually helping Hillary with REAL blacks.
The problem is that REAL blacks, non-gangster blacks, Pentecostal grandmothers trying to protect their grandkids from drug-addled parents, have no public voice. Only the gangsters have a voice. All media are pro-gangster. Sharpton rules the media. The Feds are still publicly pro-gangster, despite Comey's quiet attempt to defend cops.
Bill is speaking FOR and TO those grandmothers.
Bravo. Bill's current motive is selfish, but he understands the truth and speaks the truth. Truth is good regardless of motive. His 1996 welfare reform strengthened non-gangsters. The result was clearly visible. Obama canceled it and reinforced the gangsters.