Very clever
The Time magazine journalistdemon who attacked a Secret Service agent and got what he deserved** reminded me of another psychopathic journalistdemon in the news recently.
Did they get their glasses, their haircuts, and their expressions from the same optician / barber / Body Language advisor? One-stop shopping for demons? The expression is salient. I've never seen normal humans with that odd mouth-posture.
Incidentally, the picture of the Time demon shows him "being strangled", presumably by the Secret Service. In fact it's a frame from a video where the demon shows,
with his own hand, how the agent treated him. Very clever, but we've been onto your tricks for a long time now. You can't fool us any more.
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** Deserved: What "journalists" properly deserve is 1000 years of pure infinite torture. But a good hard smackdown will do for a start.
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Later: Still thinking about the expression. Baring the lower teeth is the mark of a control freak, a micromanager. The boss who calls you at 2 AM to remind you that
irregardless is "bad grammar" even though you've never used
irregardless. But there's more to these demons than controlfreakery. The /ΓΌ/ mouth and the raised and tilted head .... Aha. Non-human was the key.
Howling. Adding your discordant voice to the chorus led by Alpha. A gene that doesn't get switched on in normal humans.
Labels: Ethics, Grand Blueprint