Australian officials have decided to axe 350 jobs from its government-backed science bureaucracy last week, as they switch from climate research into ways to mitigate and adapt to global warming.This deserves to be counted as 350 separate acts of Emersonian justice. Partly because the hypercriminals being punished are SO BEAUTIFULLY DESERVING of punishment. (Ideally 1000 years of torture, but firing will have to do for now.) Mainly because it explodes the usual Parkinsonian certainties of bureaucracy. Normally an agency that has "settled" its original mission seamlessly switches to a new mission that will waste even more money and slaughter even more poor people than the original. In this case the new Aussie government is SO TOTALLY COMMITTED to Gaian genocide, SO RIGIDLY ORTHODOX SATANIST, that it no longer needs theologians to justify its genocide. Instead of switching the theologians to justify new genocides based on "biodiversity" or "environmental justice", it simply canned them. Got environmental justice anyway. 350 x THANKS, RALPH! Later thought: Most of these theologians are wacked-out mass-murdering turbopsychotics. But given human variability, it's theoretically conceivable that one or two might be honest scientists who were sticking to the party line to maintain their career. Now that the career is gone, the power of NDAs may weaken. Could get interesting but won't.
Labels: Carbon Cult, Emersonian justice
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