Thanks, Ralph 23
Headline: 'Panic' as Europe faces demise over refugees
Article does a good job on the underlying reasons for the idiot "WELCOMING AND LOVING" shit. When the natives have stopped reproducing, you have to bring in immigrants to keep the benefit Ponzi running. This can work well if the flow of immigrants is carefully throttled and filtered to minimize cultural friction.
Europe is currently doing the opposite. Even the elites understand that letting self-selected criminals pour into the country will not help the economy.
The article doesn't answer the obvious question.
If the elites know that it won't work, why are they doing it? The only rational answer is:
Because the elites hate their own people so violently that they want to kill their own people and replace them with a new population.
This won't work either, because the elites don't understand that

60 years ago there wasn't such a tremendous cultural gap between Africans and Euros, or between Arabs and Euros. Immigration worked better.
Who made the gap? Euros did. (Along with USA STRONG.) EU/US/UK have been accelerating ferociously away from Natural Law, away from facts, away from logic, away from real economics and real science. Arabs and Africans and the Soviet Bloc haven't moved much.
In simple terms the First World has gone bonkers, while the Second and Third Worlds have remained sane.
One consequence of our bonkerness is our failure to reproduce. We made children useless and then we made normal family life totally illegal. When families are outlawed, only outlaws will have families. (Or adults who live in small sane 'islands' like Mormon-controlled areas.)
Therefore: Rich fuckheads need to import lots of slaves to fulfill their goal of starving those horrible citizens, but the need for more slaves arises from the same terminal lunacy that makes it impossible to import more slaves.
Thanks, Ralph.
Labels: Emersonian justice, STRONG!