"After 17 hours of negotiations, we are close to an agreement. Europe is strong," says Xavier Bettel, the Luxembourg premier.EUROPE STRONG! GREECE S .... oops, not Greece strong. GREECE FUCKED UP THE ASS. The two prettyboys, Yanis and Alex, had a chance to do the right thing. They had a chance, and a solid "democratic" mandate, to GET OUT. Instead, they bent over and took it. So much for "game theory". We already know that "game theory" is total nonsense when used in sociology-type experiments. Now we know that it's toxic deadly poison when used in reality. It's a trick to fool the yokels into thinking you're "working for them" when in fact you're simply bending over and taking it. "Game theory" likes to postulate the Prisoner's Dilemma, a bizarre delusional schizy fictional pseudo-situation that has never happened even once in reality and in fact can't happen in reality. HUMANS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY. The prettyboys were dealing with a real dilemma, a situation that happens thousands of times per day in business. The Pensioner's Dilemma. You can retire now with a known lump-sum payment, or you can retire later and bet on bigger returns. The Greek version is sort of numerically opposite, but still the same structure. Get out now and face a known lump sum of liabilities and troubles, or stay in and bet on a different set of liabilities and troubles. In the real Pensioner's Dilemma, people who like the work itself tend to stay in, while people who are tired of the job tend to get out. The benefits aren't the prime determiner. So I assume the prettyboys enjoy being whipped and handcuffed by Merkel and Schäuble. Irrelevant but irresistible sidenote:
Labels: STRONG!
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