Five examples
Several examples of the same bizarre misthinking...
The elephant poaching protest
noted yesterday, which will lead to more poaching.
Sanctions against Russia for daring to resist our invasion, already leading to more Russian self-sufficiency in
food and
military hardware.
US banned China from participating in our space shuttle several years ago, so China zoomed ahead with its own space tech.
1914-1918: We killed 50 million to make the world safe for democracy. We made the world safe for Hitler.
2001-2015: We're killing 1 million to make the world safe for democracy. We're making the world safe for ISIS.
= = = = =
Polistra's Law of Consequences tells us that there are no unintended consequences, but this only applies where the powers
understand what they're doing. The first three examples here may be exceptions to the law because the powers are so fucking stupid, so totally wrapped up in their incestuous groupthink bubbles, that they cannot begin to imagine normal human thought and logic.
The last example is definitely not an exception. ISIS and al-Qaeda were designed by CIA to implement total genocide everywhere in the Middle East except Israel, and to blame the destruction on Islam. The destruction part is performing up to spec, but the blame part isn't working as well.
WW1 is less clear. Wilson himself was delusional from birth, and even more delusional after a stroke. In his fairytale dream world, Democracy was a meaningful concept and Democracy would flourish after the fairytale war. His puppetmasters were more realistic. WW1 provided massive profits for DC advisers and courtiers, so they could have been setting up the conditions for another nice dose of profit.