Even the Guardian no longer cares
My brain is slow today from poor sleep. Even slower than its usual granny-low**. I hoped to do electronic stuff today, but all I can manage is reading shit on the web.
Some of the shit is halfway interesting in terms of pattern recognition. I've been noticing this particular pattern a lot lately; in today's UK Guardian it shows up cleanly.

EVEN AMONG THE GUARDIAN'S AUDIENCE, nobody is interested in the Carbon Scam. They'd rather run the usual team scrum between the usual meaningless partisan teams.
= = = = =
** Granny low is an interesting concept. After WW2, pickups meant for work generally had a four-speed floor shift, but nobody thought of it as a four-on-the-floor. It was a three-speed with synced low, plus an extra gear that you used occasionally when towing or climbing. Granny low is simultaneously first and not-first in a mysterious doublethinky way, like the ground floor or basement of a British building.
The synced "regular" low was an extra advantage that passenger cars didn't get until the late '60s. When sporty American cars returned to floor shifts, they started with a three-speed (with unsynced low) and didn't get to 4 until the late '60s.
The technology was obviously the same, and lots of people learned to appreciate the convenience of 4 speeds and the convenience of a synced low, but for some reason the appreciation didn't breed a desire for similar convenience in passenger cars. Normally a convenience feature starts in cars and later moves to trucks. In this case it started in trucks and stayed there; then later independently arrived in cars.
Labels: Carbon Cult