The findings shed new light on the "deep biosphere," or the vast subterranean realm whose single-celled residents are estimated to be roughly equal in number and diversity to all the microbes inhabiting the surface's land, water and air. ..... They also analyzed Thermotoga community DNA from the environment (so-called metagenomes) from North America and Australia that are available in public databases. The results reveal extensive gene flow across all the sampled environments, suggesting the bacteria do not stay isolated in the oil reservoirs but instead have long migrated to and colonized the reservoirs and contributed to their genetic make-up.Think about this. Bacteria don't just eat, they excrete. If all of the underground organic deposits are packed with bacteria, this means the current composition of oil and gas is almost entirely the product of bacteria. Those bacteria are still there, still eating and pooping. What do bacteria do besides eat and poop? They reproduce and colonize to infinity. When they're done with one reservoir, they expand to find more organic stuff nearby. In other words, oil is constantly being created. It's not a finite resource. Simple logic. Unarguable.
Labels: Carbon Cult, Grand Blueprint
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