Bowing to pressure, Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe resigned Saturday, paving the way for a new government to lead the country into long overdue legislative and local elections. He thanked President Michel Martelly, parliament, ministers and the Haitian people as he gave an account of his accomplishments. They included everything from increasing the percentage of children enrolled in school, augmenting tourism and foreign investments, and cutting insecurity and extreme poverty.This is HUGE NEWS. Not specifically because Lamothe resigned, but because Haiti has developed a REAL PARLIAMENTARY GOVERNMENT that can ADAPT TO CHANGING CIRCUMSTANCES by the PARLIAMENTARY device of resignation and calling for new elections. We can't do that here. We are stuck with one President for life. His name changes every 8 years but he's the same President. He never resigns and there is never an election. It's all fake. Haiti has a REAL government now, after 200 years of total corruption. We do NOT have a real government. Haiti is now better governed than USA STRONG. I checked a couple of neutral-ish sources to see if this made sense. World Bank:
The government relies on formal international economic assistance for fiscal sustainability, with over half of its annual budget coming from outside sources. The Martelly administration in 2011 launched a campaign aimed at drawing foreign investment into Haiti as a means for sustainable development. To that end, the Martelly government in 2012 created a Commission for Commercial Code Reform, effected reforms to the justice sector, and inaugurated the Caracol industrial park in Haiti's north coast. In 2012, private investment exceeded donor assistance for the first time since the 2010 earthquake.Exactly what I was hoping for yesterday when I wrote "When investors are seeking a wide variety of sources, SOME of those sources will be in poor countries with clever people and good land. After those clever people get started toward self-sufficiency, they will be able to break loose from their idiot dictators with their idiot scripts." I didn't realize this was already happening, literally under our noses. BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO to Haiti for breaking out of a seemingly hopeless situation.
Labels: Carbon Cult, STRONG!
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