Never learn
Fun to watch Satan's media tiptoeing around stories from MyanmarFormerlyKnownAsBurma.
The Great Angelic Reformer of MyanmarFormerlyKnownAsBurma, Hong Kong Sushi or whatever, has turned out to be just another dynastic politician. She's the daughter of a previous prime minister who was toppled by the military regime, probably for good reasons. Now that she has brilliantly manipulated Satan's media into creating a countercoup, she's showing her basic purpose. She wants to be the corrupt ruler of a corrupt country. That's all.
It's not a question of reform, it's just dynasties competing for the brass ring of power and money. No different from Jeb trying to restore the Bush dynasty, or Hillary trying to restore the Clinton dynasty, after the Obama interregnum.
Satan's media never learn. Hong Kong Sushi's manipulation is old and well-tested. Read Evelyn Waugh's 1936 novel 'Scoop' about a revolution in a poor African country. It's exactly the same script, and it was already old in 1936.