Actually good news
Some Satanbitch writing in Satanweek website is howling because America doesn't trust experts. The poll results are actually
good news, but Satan doesn't like good news.
The key is simple but Satanbitch can't see it.
In fact we DO trust experts.
In fact we DO NOT trust
experts who are allowed to speak in public.
We trust teachers but not the school system. We trust our own doctors but not the HMO or Romneycare. We trust ordinary policemen but not the "courts". We trust small business but not big corporations.
The key is: Where does the expert's feedback loop connect? Is the expert in touch with actual people and actual facts, or is the expert in touch with New York and DC?
Non-public experts like teachers and doctors and cops and plumbers are not being interviewed on TV. They are simply dealing with students or patients or criminals or clogged pipes. Thus they HAVE to be in touch with genuine facts or they will be ineffective or murderous or shot or covered in sewage, respectively. Because their loop is closed by plain old hardass reality, they are usually right.
Public experts like "scientists" and broadcasters and "judges" depend on ideology and theories for their livelihood. The mechanism is different in each profession, but the outcome is the same. Public experts are always wrong, and almost always LETHALLY wrong.
Thus: Any expert who is paid by the financial casino, or paid by the US/UK/EU government, is more than 100% wrong more than 100% of the time.
This divergence shows up dramatically with Ebola, where Slithery Snake Frieden constantly repeats and reinforces the obviously false orthodoxy, while heroic doctors who actually deal with patients are stating openly that Ebola can be spread by coughing and sneezing.
Labels: Carbon Cult, Experiential education, Grand Blueprint