He is most worried about threats to the U.S. ally of Jordan, he said, quoting the FBI director as saying, “the pipeline for the next 9-11 attack on our homeland will likely come from Syria” and “there are numerous American citizens who have gone to Syria for jihad.”Obama has also been running the same tired old Bush script. The only difference is that Obama reads the script in English, while Bush said something like "Uuuuuhhhh turris uuuuuhhhh follers home." How can the turris foller us home? ONLY IF WE LET THEM. These dudes are easy to identify by national origin and appearance. We intentionally let them in before, even though we knew who they were and what they were doing. We did it again with the Tsarnaev brothers. Russian intel told us about them, and we still let them in and failed to watch them. So, does Graham want to prevent the turris from follerin us? NO.
As some party leaders counsel a strategy of simply trying to get out the white vote more effectively, Graham is not afraid to confront Republicans’ declining fortunes among Hispanics in presidential campaigns—down from 44 percent for George W. Bush in 2004 to 27 percent for Mitt Romney in 2012. “This is an odd formula for the party to adopt, the fastest growing demographic in the country, and we’re losing votes every election,” he said on Fox News. “It’s one thing to shoot yourself in the foot—just don’t reload the gun. I intend not to reload this gun when it comes to Hispanics. I intend to tear this wall down and pass an immigration reform bill that’s an American solution to an American problem.”TRAITOR! Invite and invade. We invade other countries supposedly "to prevent them from sending turris home", and then the chaos in those countries develops new turris, and then we open our borders and ports completely to allow turris in. Net result: Total chaos EVERYWHERE. Not an unintended consequence, but the entire purpose of "our" government. Complete and utter destruction of civilization. Raw hell EVERYWHERE.
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