In experimental animals, maternal diet during the periconceptional period influences the establishment of DNA methylation ... with permanent phenotypic consequences. Pronounced naturally occurring seasonal differences in the diet of rural Gambian women allowed us to test this in humans. ... Our results demonstrate that maternal nutritional status during early pregnancy causes persistent and systemic epigenetic changes at human metastable epialleles.You are what you eat, and you are what your mother ate, and you are what your grandmother ate .... ad infinitum. And what you eat is strongly determined by season. Food availability has been 'smoothed out' by refrigeration and transportation in rich countries, but it's still a hard fact in most of the world. Astrology and astronomy were the same discipline until about 300 years ago. Astro[log][nom]ers in earlier times were careful observers who tried to figure out why people born at different times of the year had different characteristics. Astro[log][nom]ers picked up the correlation between moon phase and behavior, and the correlation between birth season and personality. They were obviously correct about moon phase. Nothing mysterious about that one. But they misattributed birth-season influence to the planets and stars visible in each season. As scientists so often do, they got too deeply involved with their theories and added an unnecessary entity. If they had looked at the more direct and visible consequences of seasons, they would have been absolutely and permanently right.
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