Let them eat tasers.
Listening to coverage of the Series Super or whatever. Every time one of these giant events happens, TSA and Homeland Security and NYPD and FBI and Delta Force and NSA and EPA and all the other overwhelming jackboots get together to protect it against something or other.
The same jackboots also protect airplanes against something or other.
Who attends the Bowl World? Super-rich people who can slap down $3000 to sit in The Maximally Fashionable Place for a few hours.
Who rides airplanes? Rich people.
Poor people ride Greyhound or drive or walk. Do we get any service by TSA and Homeland Security and NYPD and FBI and Delta Force and NSA and EPA and all the other monstrous jackboots?
All of these forces serve EXCLUSIVELY to protect people who already have their own private security armies.
Those of us who can't afford our own armies are left to find our own protection from something or other. Well, from what?
The answer is obvious at this point. The rich are protected against US, by their own private armies AND by the multifarious evil Heimatssicherheitsdienst. We don't get protection because we're the
something or other.
Putting it another way, the rich get service and the poor get serviced.