Sign of God
The fake interpreter at Terrorist Mandela's long-overdue funeral is clearly God's way of mocking this monstrous meeting of God-mocking civilization-smashing satans. While the little satans centrifuge their poison-filled heads and spray toxic verbiage in unholy tribute to their satanic mentor, Mr Interpreter gives us the pure plain truth. It's all repetitive nonsense.
In a broader and less celestial sense, Mr Interpreter represents Africa's best talent: Hugely creative
improvisation. He reminds me of
Guy Goma, the taxi driver who got stuck in a Savile Broadcasting studio and ended up on the air as an 'expert'. With no preparation or warning, Goma proceeded to give an interview that made vastly more sense than the economist who was supposed to be there.
Africa can save the world if we'll let it. We've used up and eunuchized all of our creative impulses. Africa retains a moral code and a Godly force.
Your turn, Africa. We've fucked ours.