Holly VanVoorhis was 7 when she asked her dad, landscape architect and Park Board member Ken VanVoorhis, if she could help him design a park. He let his daughter tinker in his drafting software until she’d designed a heart-shaped tree park. “Immediately she said, ‘Where can we plant this in Spokane?’ ” said Holly’s mother, Mitzi VanVoorhis. She begged and begged her parents to let her build her park, even asking a neighbor if she could plant the trees in their backyard. Finally, after a few weeks of Holly bothering her parents, her dad called then-Mayor Mary Verner to set up an appointment. ... Verner encouraged Holly to pursue the project and introduced her to the city Urban Forester,Aha! City forester must be Myrtle Birch or Jack Pine, right? Wrong.
Verner encouraged Holly to pursue the project and introduced her to the city Urban Forester, Angel Spell.See what I mean?
... and on Tuesday the Urban Forestry Program will plant the 10th tree in the heart to mark the 10th anniversary of the first tree planted in the Susie Forest. A group of Boy Scouts started Tuesday’s task on Saturday, digging a hole where the last tree will go. “These are the projects and these are the events that make my job so amazing,” Spell said. “It gives all these people here connection to each other, connection to these trees, connection to nature, and it’s all because of Holly’s idea.”
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