The head of the U.N. drug watchdog agency is urging U.S. federal officials to challenge ballot measures in Colorado and Washington that decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana for adults 21 and over. Raymond Yans says the approvals send "a wrong message to the rest of the nation and it sends a wrong message abroad." Yans heads the International Narcotics Control Board. He told The Associated Press on Tuesday he hopes Attorney General Eric Holder "will take all the necessary measures" to ensure that marijuana possession and use remains illegal throughout the U.S.Meanwhile, local police are happy with legalization. They've been unenthusiastic about enforcing pot laws for a long time.
Former Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper is among those signing the letter, which calls on federal officials to stay out of the states' decisions to legalize pot possession. "This is not a challenge to you, but an invitation - an invitation to help return our profession to the principles that made us enter law enforcement in the first place," the letter said.The UN's typical murderous aggression, applied this time to an atypical issue, may finally give idiot "American" hippieshits a reason to hate the monster.
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