Mrs Hunholz wasn't short on discipline when it was needed. Once I fell under the influence of a big fellow named Charlie, who gave me the choice of helping him bully others or taking the brunt of his bullying. Unfortunately I chose the former, helped Charlie steal crackers from a weak first-grader. Mrs H heard about it somehow, and I spent the next day standing up in the cloakroom among the wet boots and coats.I did learn a lesson from that. Though it's tempting to join up with a bully, it's better in the long run to avoid bullies. = = = = =Now we have a similar situation in part of the world. We have a bully nation, bristling with weaponry and constantly attacking its neighbors; and we have a weak nation that has been attacked and occupied several times in recent history, but has always managed to repel or outlast its attackers. Charlie the bully is trying to get America to join in his bullying:
Netanyahu did not detail what should be done if his "red line" was crossed, but the insinuation was clear. In perhaps his final plea before Israel felt the need to take matters into its own hands, Netanyahu pounded away at the dangers posed by Iran. "To understand what the world would be like with a nuclear-armed Iran, just imagine the world with a nuclear-armed al-Qaida," he said. "Nothing could imperil the world more than a nuclear-armed Iran."Fortunately, Obama seems to have learned from a teacher like Mrs Hunholz at some point in his life. He's not joining Charlie; instead he's trying to keep Charlie from satisfying his aggressive tendencies.
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