The bucket's warm again
Polistra enjoys spotting rules by their exceptions. One such exception happened just now....
NPR was covering this year's pointlessly noisy campaign, the perfect illustration of Freud's Narcissism of Small Differences.
Played three clips in a row: Romney accusing Obama of something or other, Obama replying with fake outrage, and then a third guy who I
didn't recognize at all. Never heard that voice.
The announcer identified the third voice as Joe Biden.
And there's the exception. The rule during my entire lifetime has been that VPs serve as effective 'head of state'. They wander around the world speaking and representing the administration, always pushing some stupid National Initiative that will go away after their term is over.
Not Biden. He's been
absolutely silent during Obama's term. His voice is unknown. Biden has gone all the way back to the Alben Barkley style of veeping.
Barkley was known for being unknown, but it turns out that he was an interesting character with strong principles.
This episode of NBC's "Biographies in Sound" program profiled Barkley. The program is worth hearing for one definitively dramatic moment.