A BBC correspondent examining Russian response to the trial of Pussy Riot finds mixed feelings in Moscow, but universal and firm approval of the trial in less urban areas.
Good. Normal Russians, like normal people everywhere, do not want "freedom". They want normalcy, which has an especially strong meaning for Russians. They want to practice their own culture and religion. They want to work and support their families without constant disturbance and fear.
Pussy Riot represents "freedom". Pussy Riot destroys civilization, destroys religion, destroys culture, destroys marriage, destroys families.
That's why the Satanic media in America
love them.
That's why normal people
hate them.
Especially in Russia, where normal people had 70 years of experience with "freedom".
= = = = =
Bit later: Judge sentenced them to two years in a work camp.
Good. They will have to learn how normal people get along, and most of all they will be deprived of the status and pleasure of celebrity. Assuming the other women in the camp are dull ordinary criminals, I can safely predict that the pussies of Pussy Riot will experience a different sort of riot. Ordinary criminals don't appreciate radical deviants.