More common sense!
News item: PawkEeStawnTheCountryFormerlyKnownAsPakistan is trying to pull out of the stupidest territorial war in history!
India has also been attempting to stop or calm the conflict.This war has been going on since before I was born. I remember looking at world maps when I was 5 years old, trying to understand why India and PawkEeStawnTheCountryFormerlyKnownAsPakistan wanted to possess this miserable and useless territory of Kashmir. I couldn't understand it because it made no sense. Still makes no sense. Kashmir has no industry, no oil, few people, very little agriculture. None of the practical reasons for a territorial dispute. It's just a big bunch of square miles. But ever since the 1947 partition, PawkEeStawnTheCountryFormerlyKnownAsPakistan and India have been semi-fighting, and on one occasion came close to throwing atom bombs at each other.
Two dogs growling over a rotten bone that would be inedible if either dog finally got it all to himself.
Now that PawkEeStawnTheCountryFormerlyKnownAsPakistan has shown it's possible to pull out of a nonsensical war, will we learn by example from our Valued Friend And Ally?
Nope. We're fucking
EXCEPTIONAL. We learn only the opposite. When experience tells us to stop, we drive faster. When experience tells us to turn on the windshield wipers, we throw mud on the glass.