Listening to tonight's Repooflican debate.
Only one comment.
On the HPV vaccination question, Perry is exactly right and all the other candidates are exactly wrong. Public health requires a certain amount of force, and unfortunately vaccination requires more force now than before. Science has fucked up its own reputation completely, and people are understandably suspicious of scientific conclusions.
Nevertheless, vaccinating all kids against HPV will save
plenty of lives, and plenty of expense in later medical care. That justifies it.
Ron Paul made an astonishing statement in the middle of this, which nobody questioned.
Paul said "As President I will never use executive orders."
This means, literally and unavoidably: "As President I will abjectly and totally surrender to the permanent bureaucracy. The America-hating Soviet saboteurs in the executive and judicial branches will have absolute freedom to smash this unfortunate land, and I will take
no action to slow them down. I will just sit in the Oval Office and observe the disaster."
Paul clearly has no contact with reality. He should be removed from politics to spare us from his insanity.
Overall, Perry tells the exact precise truth about everything he chooses to discuss, from the Carbon Cult to Social Security to evolution to tort reform. The other candidates approach truth to varying degrees, but only Perry hits the Accuracy Button 100% of the time. There has never before been a major candidate of any party with such a total grasp of the truth. His
recommendations may not be the best in each case, but his
knowledge is unrivaled.