Exception to the Sixth Law
Polistra's Sixth Law, mentioned in the previous post:
There are no unintended consequences.But even a fair generalization has exceptions, and one popped up this morning. Comrade Michelle Obama's
commencement speech was full of the usual globalist crap: you college-age idiots must
never consider serving or helping Americans; you must instead serve Haitians and other foreigners.
However! One of her recommendations will truly bring unintended consequences if the young idealists follow it. She told them to
use the web to read foreign news sources.If they really do what she asks, they will be surprised and awakened.
Many sources are just as bad as American media, carrying the same pack of agreed-on suicidal lies; but several easy-to-read foreign sources are devoted to truth, and will open your eyes to alternate ways of dealing with the world.
Three lively and readable examples:
the London Telegraph,
Russia Today, and Canada's
National Post.I suspect Comrade Michelle hasn't actually read foreign sources
recently. If she had, she wouldn't make this recommendation!
Only five years ago, her intended consequences would have been fulfilled. As of 2005, Europe and Russia were leading the vanguard toward the Brave New World of Zero Percent Carbon and 100 Percent Sharia. The Anglosphere was portrayed as the lagging caboose. Youths reading any foreign source would be magnetically pulled even harder toward Gaia and Allah.
Since 2005 the trend has shifted remarkably. While the Anglosphere is now roaring downhill at full speed, nationalist parties have taken control in several Euro countries and gained useful pluralities in others. And they are grabbing the switch, trying to reverse the Solar Train To Hell. Cancelling carbon-credit plans, prohibiting Mohammedan costumes and minarets, kicking out gypsies, encouraging Christian worship in schools.
Betcha a thousand dollars this is
not the news Comrade Michelle wants youngsters to read.